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> Новости из Лондона
Пост #1 (Всего #153049); Дата 8.11.2007 - 15:46  Новости из Лондона
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 4145
Пользователь №: 21
Регистрация: 19.06.2004
Репутация: 50

Сегодня ожидается небольшое дополнение к патчу 0 и 0.1, включающее в себя фикс с "черным экраном" (при старте мультиплеера) и фикс исправляющий апдейтер - который портил игру недокаченными файлами (при плохом коннекте).


On November 8 at approximately 8:00am PST, we'll be releasing a new single player update for Hellgate: London. This update will not impact our online game servers. There is, however, a chance you will not immediately see the update tomorrow morning as we'll be throttling delivery to ensure a smooth release.

    * Fixed: Multiplayer starting on a black screen for a very small percentage of users that applied the 1.40 single player patch.
    * Fixed: Incomplete downloads for the single player and launcher patches.

Please Note: This update is not a single player version of the Guy Fawkes patch, what we typically refer to as Patch 0.1.

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователюICQ
Пост #2 (Всего #153099); Дата 9.11.2007 - 08:35  Новости из Лондона
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 4145
Пользователь №: 21
Регистрация: 19.06.2004
Репутация: 50


Kaiser Hwang, Hellgate: London’s Senior Community Manager, posted a message on the official forums yesterday, in which he makes a list of the team’s current priorities regarding several issues, which most of you already encountered in the game.

    We realize many of you are experiencing a variety of problems. We at Flagship and Ping0 are working hard to address these issues.

    Our current top priorities are:

    * Resolving any remaining problems related to billing and subscriptions.
    * Fixing two known bugs which cause players to sometimes lose items (one related to dual focus/dual melee, and one related to loading issues).
    * Making improvements to memory usage in order to reduce “Memory Exhausted” crashes.
    * Fixing a known issue with the user interface which causes the application to lock up intermittently.

    * An issue which occasionally prevents characters from being able to load or switch instances.
    * General chat interface improvements. (Many improvements are in the works).
    * Random disconnects and lag.
    * Allowing higher resolution textures and models for other players.
    * Various known problems with being able to continue interrupted side quests.
    * Remnant quest items not getting destroyed and “clogging” up inventory.
    * Continued problems with saving / loading Engineer Drone items.
    * Invisible party members.
    * The nanoforge not correctly improving rare and better armors.
    * Getting stuck on collision.

    Some of these are issues which will be fixed as soon as possible and go live in upcoming patches, some will be in our upcoming content patch, and others are issues on which we will make gradual improvements to on a continuous basis.

    Of course we also have a more extensive bug list as well as lot of general improvements and new content in the works. Everyone here is working full-time to support Hellgate. We appreciate your patience.

Do not worry guys, Flagship IS listening to our concerns.

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователюICQ
Пост #3 (Всего #153209); Дата 11.11.2007 - 14:38  Новости из Лондона
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 4145
Пользователь №: 21
Регистрация: 19.06.2004
Репутация: 50

Открылся аукцион, на котором можно приобрести или продать различные игровые предметы за игровую же валюту - палладиум.

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователюICQ
Пост #4 (Всего #153447); Дата 14.11.2007 - 22:10  Новости из Лондона
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 4145
Пользователь №: 21
Регистрация: 19.06.2004
Репутация: 50


I’m working on prioritizing bugs and new features. Quick update on these…

1) Item trading…
Linked items is a high priority. Auction is a lot of work, so right now bugs and easier fixes are delaying this feature.

2) Landscape Variety
A very high priority for ongoing work. We understand everyone’s desire to shake up the settings. You won’t have to wait long.

3) Uniques
Fixed in testing here

4) We should have the ability to auto set the map to be on.
The map going away on death is a known bug that isn’t that high a priority, frankly, but the map should stay up/down while zoning. It works for me on my dev build. I’ll look into it.

5) Chat box
Many chat improvements coming shortly, and many more on the medium term list.

6) Inspecting others gear…
Again, not a high priority (sorry) but on the agenda

7) dropping items
Dropping items causes a lot of performance issues, so its worrisome. Why do you want to do this?

8) Make it easier for players who arent in parties to find each other!
Ideally we want to have a “warp to”-type button accessible from chat or buddy and guild lists. It would only work for players in a town. Its proving to be technically tricky, but we’re working on it.

9) A shared portion of the stash
Pretty high priority. In our first big content patch, I hope.

10) I’ve fallen through an environment object several times and it has placed me back at the beginning of the zone.
Off-hand I can’t remember where we are on this. I’ll track it down.

11) Run/sprint speed…
I actually like it the way it is, but I’ll bring it up to the team


Список приоритетных исправлений для Hellgate: London

Один из разработчиков Hellgate: London, Этлич (Etlich), оставил сообщение на официальном форуме, в котором он перечислил список приоритетных исправлений для игры.

"Я работаю над приоритетными ошибками и новыми возможностями. Вот некоторые из них:

1) Торговля предметами
Взаимосвязанные предметы - первоочередная задача. Аукцион отнимает много времени, а работа над багами и другими незначительными исправлениями, лишь задерживает его выход.

2) Разнообразие ландшафта
Мы понимаем всеобщее желание в перемене обстановки, поэтому работа ведется в этом направлении. Вам не придётся долго ждать.

3) Уникальные вещи
Исправления сейчас проходят тестирование.

4) Автоматическая установка карты
Карта, исчезающая во время смерти - это известный баг, так как карта должна оставаться наверху или внизу. Я изучаю эту проблему...

5) Чат
Много исправлений будет внесено совсем скоро, но еще больше усовершенствований появится позже.

6) Другая одежда и вещи
Это не первоочередная задача, но этот вопрос на повестке дня.

7) Выпадающие предметы
Выпадающие предметы вызывают немало проблем и беспокойств.

8) Способ, чтобы облегчить поиск игроков в команде
В идеале мы хотим сделать кнопку поиска, доступную из чата или списков гильдий. Это будет работать только для игроков в городе. Реализация этой идеи может быть технически сложным, но мы работаем над этим.

9) Общая часть сундука
Первоочередная задача, я надеюсь, что эта возможность появится в нашем первом большом патче для контента.

10) Игроки проваливаются в окружающих объектах несколько раз и затем перемещаются в начало зоны

Перевод сайта Hellgate.ru

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователюICQ
Пост #5 (Всего #153567); Дата 16.11.2007 - 03:11  Новости из Лондона
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 4145
Пользователь №: 21
Регистрация: 19.06.2004
Репутация: 50

Новость от Soft Club

Специальная акция для покупателей Hellgate: London!
Мы рады сообщить, что в ближайшие выходные, 17-18 ноября, в магазине «ХитЗона» в ТЦ «Европейский» каждый покупатель игры Hellgate: London получит в подарок футболку с логотипом игры.
Адрес магазина «ХитЗона»: м. «Киевская», Площадь Киевского вокзала, вл. 1, ТРК «Европейский».
Торопитесь, количество подарков ограничено!

Конец цитаты.
Похоже, что датой релиза в России можно считать 17 ноября.

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователюICQ
Пост #6 (Всего #153575); Дата 16.11.2007 - 10:56  Новости из Лондона
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Вольнонаемный Маг

Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

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А почем?
Как бы футболка отдельно не оказалась дешевле.

Не бьешься - не добьешься
Пост #7 (Всего #153591); Дата 16.11.2007 - 13:58  Новости из Лондона
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 4145
Пользователь №: 21
Регистрация: 19.06.2004
Репутация: 50

Top 10 Best Selling PC Games For November 3

The NPD Group has released the latest list of the top 10 best selling PC games in the US, this time for the week ending November 3:

# 1. Hellgate: London - Namco/EA
# 2. Hellgate: London Collectors Edition - Namco/EA
# 3. Half Life 2: Episode 2 The Orange Box - Valve/EA
# 4. Age Of Empires III: Asian Dynasties - Microsoft
# 5. The Sims 2 Bon Voyage - Electronic Arts
# 6. Nancy Drew: Legend Of The Crystal Skull - Her Interactive
# 7. Flight Simulator X: Acceleration - Microsoft
# 8. World Of Warcraft - Blizzard
# 9. The Witcher - Atari
# 10. The Sims 2 Deluxe - Electronic Arts

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователюICQ
Пост #8 (Всего #153627); Дата 17.11.2007 - 12:06  Новости из Лондона
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 1999
Пользователь №: 49
Регистрация: 23.06.2004
Репутация: 43

New Update Coming
We're gearing up to release what we internally refer to as Patch 0.5. We intend this update to resolve many of the issues players are having with Hellgate: London.

In preparation for our 0.5 launch, we'll be...

1) Wiping our Test Center tonight.

2) Placing copies of all US characters into the Test Center tomorrow.

If you'd like to see Patch 0.5 early and help us perfect the update, please login to the Test Center over the weekend. If all goes well, the 0.5 update will be made available to everyone next week.

Curious about what you can expect? Here's a draft of our 0.5 patch notes:

All players now have 24 character slots.
Fixed a known issue with the inventory user interface that caused the client to lock up.
Fixed a bug which caused the Mini-game to sometimes become stuck.
The Mini-game now resets every 15 minutes.
Added a /help command to provide assistance using available / commands.
Some new posters have been added to stations, so check them out!

Connection Issues:
Fixed known issues which sometimes caused players to be disconnected and receive an erroneous network error message.
Fixed an issue where some home routers would disconnect a user due to an inactive connection.
Fixed known bugs which sometimes disconnected players during multiplayer quests.
Fixed problems with NetLimiter 1.30 and some older versions of Norton Antivirus and McAfee Antivirus which would make the user entirely unable to connect to the game.

Made several chat interface improvements and the text entry more intuitive:
Chat window is now open by default in multiplayer.
Fixed chat window closing when traveling between zones.
Fixed several cases where the chat window would obstruct other UI components.
Chat context (such as Party and Guild) is now more clearly defined in the text entry window, including a color-coded border.
Chat window is now more transparent.
Added /g command. This is equivalent to /gchat command (guild chat).
Whisper text now shows up on all chat tabs.
Whisper messages and admin announcements auto-open the chat panel.
Auto-switch to the appropriate tab (such as Party and Guild) if you type text to that channel and are not in a tab that shows the text.
PageUp/PageDown cycle through chat tabs when text entry is active.
Chat panel now auto-opens if you type text and press Enter while the panel is closed.
Chat text entry deactivates after entering text.
Chat panel no longer closes if you press Enter on a blank line.
Additional miscellaneous bug fixes.

Fixed known bugs that caused players to sometimes lose items.
Fixed a bug with the Nanoforge that caused it to inaccurately modify the stats of higher-quality items.
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Unique items to drop without special properties.

Fixed various known issues which prevented players from being able to continue interrupted side-quests.
Quest items should no longer remain in the player inventory after the associated quest has been completed. Players with old quest items (such as Train Parts) associated with quests they’ve already completed or no longer have should find these items removed upon logging in.
Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented players from receiving credit for killing the “5 Lies” in The Hellgate quest. Players should now be able to properly advance in this quest.

Fixed known bugs which prevented Engineer Drones from saving properly.
Fixed a bug which caused Engineers to receive an erroneous “unable to meet requirements” message when entering a new instance with a Drone that has a weapon equipped.

Fixed an incorrect modifier causing Special Effect Attack Strengths in PvP situations to be much higher than intended.

World Movement:
Fixed known issues which occasionally prevented characters from being able to load or switch instances.
Fixed several issues with players getting stuck in the world.
Fixed a bug related to St. Paul's Nightmare mode progression.
Portals to party members should now automatically close if the associated party member leaves the game.

World Events:
The Guy Fawkes event has ended. Characters that have completed the NAME Quest that did not receive the Trinket reward should find this item in their inventory.

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователю
Пост #9 (Всего #153765); Дата 20.11.2007 - 10:41  Новости из Лондона
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 1999
Пользователь №: 49
Регистрация: 23.06.2004
Репутация: 43

сегодня наконец то выложат... надеюсь глюк в 5-м акте с роботом пофиксят - а то у меня есть соблазн им воспользоваться=)

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователю
Пост #10 (Всего #153770); Дата 20.11.2007 - 12:48  Новости из Лондона
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 4145
Пользователь №: 21
Регистрация: 19.06.2004
Репутация: 50

Ivan Sulic just posted this on Hellgate: London’s official website: Patch 0.5 will be released tomorrow! Along this announcement, Ivan keeps us up-to-date regarding the infamous “invisible party members” bug, which will not be solved until the next patch. Finally, the Guy Fawkes event WILL end tomorrow.


    We wanted to offer a quick note on the Invisible Party Members bug. We have good news and future good news. The good news is that we have identified why this is happening and have a couple of solutions for the problem. Unfortunately we made our discovery too late to include any fixes in this patch, so the future good news is that we’ll be addressing this issue in our next patch.

    Patch 0.5 also brings an end to the Guy Fawkes event. We learned a lot about what does and doesn’t work for our players, making it successful on several levels. As always, we greatly appreciate your feedback on how we can make future events better and even more fun.

    Please be aware… Patch implementation is expected to cause server outages between 9:00am PST and 11:00am PST on November 20.

Will the game be updated between Patch 0.5 and Patch 1 ?

Au revoir

20:00 - 22:00 20/11/07 время Московское

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователюICQ
Пост #11 (Всего #153822); Дата 21.11.2007 - 07:14  Новости из Лондона
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Добрый Дровосек-подводник

Группа: Гильдия
Сообщений: 281
Пользователь №: 3
Регистрация: 18.06.2004
Репутация: 27

Патч только что поставили на евро-сервере. Сами сервера уже подняли. Мейнтенс прошел быстро и безболезненно. Все в сумме заняло около часа.

Zaika#2126 / HardCore mode, 12-17 мск.
PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователю
Пост #12 (Всего #153823); Дата 21.11.2007 - 10:22  Новости из Лондона
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 1999
Пользователь №: 49
Регистрация: 23.06.2004
Репутация: 43

patch is for online play only...
хорошо хоть All players now have 24 character slots

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователю
Пост #13 (Всего #154240); Дата 27.11.2007 - 13:25  Новости из Лондона
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 4145
Пользователь №: 21
Регистрация: 19.06.2004
Репутация: 50

Patch 0.6


Hello everyone!
We hope our U.S. players had a great Thanksgiving holiday and that everyone had a fantastic weekend of playing Hellgate: London. We kept working through our cornucopia of turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and American football games to get some more fixes done and ready to push out this week.

Patch 0.6 has one very notable fix – the invisible group member bug has been slain. This was a crafty, fierce thing with rows of nasty sharp teeth, but we believe it has now fallen into the mists of legend. We’ll stay vigilant in case it raises its ugly invisible head again.

We’ve also made great strides on the Engineer Drone issue where items become unequipped. There are some cases where Drones (as well as players), will still have items unequip. The main cause of this is when players “ladder up” the equipment on their Character or Drone by using items with statistic bonuses. This results in the Character or Drone being able to use a better overall set of gear than they normally could, and thus causes issues if the items are not equipped in a specific order (or used at all). We’re continuing to work on this one, but it is better with this patch.

As always, we’re reading the forums, getting your feedback, and seeing your desires for Hellgate. The biggest issue we’re currently working on is the client-side memory usage issue. This is very complex and involved, and we also know that it’s a major issue for users. We’re pouring all of our energies right now into working on the game, so if you don’t see us reply to your posts it doesn’t mean we aren’t listening. It just means we’re working hard to make Hellgate: London a better and better experience.

Full patch Notes...

    * General: Fixed a bug that caused group members to be invisible to other group members.
    * Fixed a texture memory leak that occurred when inspecting armor items. This will improve long-term memory usage, especially for players that frequently buy, sell, and analyze items.

    * Chat: Increased the number of players in global chat.
    * The chat window no longer overlaps the Crafter merchant UI panel.
    * Fixed a bug that prevented the user from interacting with the chat panel via the mouse when the Buddy List or Guild Panel is open.
    * System messages are now displayed in all chat tabs.
    * The scroll bar on the Guild Panel should now function properly.

    * Items: Items dropped in the world now have slightly lower overall feed requirements.
    * Analyzers now work as expected on stashed items.

    * Engineers: Fixed a bug that caused items equipped on an Engineer Drone to be unequipped when the Engineer summoned the Drone after changing levels.

    * World Movement: Fixed a bug that caused players to be randomly teleported under certain circumstances.

Patch Notes Disclaimer: We make every effort to include all upcoming changes in our patch notes, but please be aware that occasionally changes are unintentionally omitted.

Finally, work is well underway on Patch 0.7! This patch will address more of your issues, as well as some surprises for our subscription members. For more details, keep a watchful eye on www.hellgatelondon.com and look for announcements when you launch the game.

Thanks again for playing, and we’ll see you online!

The Hellgate: London Team

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователюICQ
Пост #14 (Всего #154266); Дата 27.11.2007 - 18:52  Новости из Лондона
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 4145
Пользователь №: 21
Регистрация: 19.06.2004
Репутация: 50

Список изменений, вносимых патчем 0,6…

* Общее: Пофиксен баг, когда член(ы) группы был(и) невидимы для остальных членов группы.
* Пофиксена утечка памяти текстур, которая происходила при «примерке» частей брони. Т.е. улучшена долговременное использование видеопамяти, особенно для игроков, часто покупающих, продающих и анализирующих вещи.

* Чат: Увеличено число игроков в общем чате.
* Окно чата больше не перекрывает панель торговца-крафтера.
* Пофиксен баг, который не давал игроку взаимодействовать с панелью чата при помощи мыши, когда открыт Список Товарищей или Панель Гильдии.
* Системные сообщения теперь показываются во всех вкладках панели чата.
* Полоса перемотки в Панели Гильдии теперь должна работать корректно.

* Вещи: Выпадаемые в игровом мире вещи теперь имеют немного пониженные общие требования.
* Анализаторы теперь работают должным образом при определении тайных (спрятанных) вещей.

* Инженеры: Пофиксен баг, который приводил к снятию с Инженерного Дрона экипированных вещей при вызове инженером Дрона после получения уровня.

* Перемещение по игровому миру: Пофиксен баг, который приводил к случайной телепортации игрока при различных обстоятельствах.

Отмазка на всякий случай: Мы приложили все усилия, чтобы включить все изменения в список изменений, вносимых патчем, но, пожалуйста, имейте ввиду, что некоторые изменения могут быть ненамеренно не внесены в данный список.

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователюICQ
Пост #15 (Всего #154500); Дата 1.12.2007 - 18:05  Новости из Лондона
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 4145
Пользователь №: 21
Регистрация: 19.06.2004
Репутация: 50

Patch 0.7 Nears


Howdy everyone! Work on the upcoming 0.7 patch is nearly done, and should be heading to our test center by early next week. We have a nice list of fixes in this patch, including improvements to memory usage, UI changes, and general skill updates.

Also included will be a number of really cool subscriber items and quests that should please many old D2 fans. We’ll detail this content, as well as the bug fixes, when the patch goes live. Thanks, and hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

PS Patch 0.6 is on the Test Center server now, so if you wanna help out, feel free to hop on and check it out. Also, the Party Portal issues should be resolved now after last night's reboot.

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователюICQ
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