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> Помогите,пожалуйста,с сервером.., тема взята с http://www.dronov.net/forum
   Пост #1 (Всего #4361); Дата 13.07.2004 - 11:22  Помогите,пожалуйста,с сервером.., тема взята с http://www.dronov.net/forum
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Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 4
Пользователь №: 89
Регистрация: 13.07.2004
Репутация: нет

Прочитал гайд. на форуме http://www.dronov.net/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=3&t=100
Делал всё,как там написано( разве что поставил себе Pvpgn)
При попытке соединиться с Сервером Пишет, что не доступен ни один реалм (хотя в реалм.лист добавил 3(!) риалма)
Подскажите,где может скрываться ошибка (Версия игры 1.10 версия Pvpgn 1.6.4RC версия d2gs-110-bin-beta6)

Вот гайд :
Как настроить локальный Battle.net сервер
1. Что такое bnet и как он работает.
Баттл.нет состоит из трех частей (процессов, программ) – сервер бнета, сервер реалма и сервер игры. Первый сервер поддерживает пароли и аккаунты, второй все, что связано с реалмом, а третий отвечает за создание и сам процесс игры.
При этом все три процесса могут работать как на одном компе, так и на разных (как вариант – разнести гейм сервак и остальные два). Общаются они между собой и клиентом при помощи tcp/ip и udp. Поэтому наличие протокола tcp/ip на серваке и клиенте необходимое условие.

2. Какие есть варианты:
Что касается гейм сервака – тут вариантов AFAIK почти нет – d2gs различных версий (от беты 2 до беты 7). А вот с реалмом и слозд бнет серваком я знаю два – bnetw и pvpgn. Первый берется с www.bnetd.org, а второй с www.pvpgn.org. Что же касается гейм сервака, то я его просто пристегну, хотя на вышеуказанных серваках он тоже встречается.

3. Настройка гейм сервера:
Сразу хочу сказать, что ему требуется! Установленная (или скопированная дьябла), т.к. он работает со всеми дллками и мпкухами. При чем про mpqcutter забудьте – порезанная дьябла и сервак понятия несовместимые – я долго маялся.
Винда. Лучше 2000 или ХР. Т.к. запускать сервисом его приятнее намного.
Алгоритм установки:
а) разархивируем сервак в папку дьяблы.
б) правим рег файл. Вот его примерный вид (в аттаче, переименовать в .reg). Меняем два адреса на свои. Обязательно проверьте, что адреса заключены в кавычки, т.к. иначе они в реестр не добавятся! Текстовые сообщения можно сделать любыми, остальное лучше не трогать.

в) Импортим рег файл
г) запускаем d2gssvc.exe –i
д) Проверяем наличие новой службы Diablo II Close Game Server и запускаем ее.
е) Обязательно проверяем еще раз на запущенность (закрыли и открыли сервисы)

На всякий случай – деинсталить надо так: остановили сервис, d2gssvc –u, удалили.

4. Настройка серваков Closed bnet Server&Realm Server.
Честно говоря я запускал и тот и другой, но напишу здесь только про BnetW, т.к. он проще в настройке и управлении. А разницы между ними я не заметил.
Распаковываем сервак на диск С: в корень (в противном случае готовьтесь менять пути ). Получаем папку BNetWServer. В ней ничего не трогаем, кроме папки conf.
В этой папке правим файлы bnetd.conf, d2cs.conf, d2dbs.conf и realm.list. Основные настройки заключаются в прописывании адресов и названий (последнее – по желанию).
Вот список исправлений: (адрес ставьте свой, порты лучше оставить)

servaddrs = " IP-адрес:6112"

servaddrs= IP-адрес:6113
gameservlist= IP-адрес
bnetdaddr= IP-адрес:6112

servaddrs = IP-адрес:6114
gameservlist = IP-адрес

"название рилма" "описание рилма" IP-адрес:6113

После исправлений запускаем bnetw.exe
Должно открыться окошко BnetD Server в котором будет один коннект. Тыкаем на кнопку реалма, получаем вопрос о конфигурационном файле. Успешно выбираем соответствующий конф и запускаем. Появляется еще одно окошко с реалмом(и одним коннектом). Запускаем DBS по той же схеме (только конфа d2dbs.conf)
После данных манипуляций (через секунд 20) в первых двух окошках должно возникнуть по два коннекта, а в третьем один. Если все произошло именно так, значит все запустились и друг-друга нашли. После ставим в преференсах галки на автоматическом запуске всех трех и радуемся жизни. Если нет – перечитываем еще раз данный гайд и пробуем снова.

ЗЫ: Если есть желание запустить ботов, то с версией бета 7 они НЕ РАБОТАЮТ (точнее не работает вейпоинт). Ставьте бета 2.
(с) Antagonist

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователю
Пост #2 (Всего #4362); Дата 13.07.2004 - 11:26  Помогите,пожалуйста,с сервером.., тема взята с http://www.dronov.net/forum
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УжасТный Ассесиан

Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Гильдия
Сообщений: 2928
Пользователь №: 13
Регистрация: 18.06.2004
Репутация: 103

я ставил BnetW - все замечательно работало по этому руководству
попробуй его
щас уже конечно не помню в деталях, что и как
попытай счастья с BnetW

Kpowka dr00d
PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователюСайт пользователяICQ
Пост #3 (Всего #4539); Дата 13.07.2004 - 22:31  Помогите,пожалуйста,с сервером.., тема взята с http://www.dronov.net/forum
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Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 4
Пользователь №: 89
Регистрация: 13.07.2004
Репутация: нет

А где можно взять РАБОЧИЙ BnetW ??
Облазил весь инет-ссылки мёртвые sad.gif

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователю
Пост #4 (Всего #4546); Дата 14.07.2004 - 01:43  Помогите,пожалуйста,с сервером.., тема взята с http://www.dronov.net/forum
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 6046
Пользователь №: 2
Регистрация: 18.06.2004
Репутация: 91

Смотри тут. Raynor хорошо расписал, именно под 1.10.

Море нельзя описать и бесполезно рассматривать, надо, чтобы оно обняло тебя со всех сторон.
BNet: Poul#2836
Discord: Poul#5080
PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователюСайт пользователя
Пост #5 (Всего #5054); Дата 16.07.2004 - 21:11  Помогите,пожалуйста,с сервером.., тема взята с http://www.dronov.net/forum
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Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 4
Пользователь №: 89
Регистрация: 13.07.2004
Репутация: нет

Извините за большую мессагу, но может чем поможете
Вот что мне пишет PvPgn 1.6.4 : (установлен d2 closed) запущена служба Diablo 2 closed game server

ЛОГ PvPgn 1.6.4

Jul 16 21:00:31 [info ] eventlog_startup: logging event levels: fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] give_up_root_privileges: about to give up root privileges
Jul 16 21:00:31 [info ] pvpgn_greeting: PvPGN BnetD Mod version 1.6.4RC
You are currently Running PvPGN BnetD Mod 1.6.4RC
Make sure to visit:
We can also be found on: irc.pvpgn.org
Channel: #pvpgn
Server is now running.
Jul 16 21:00:31 [info ] storage_init: initializing storage layer (available drivers: file, cdb, sql)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [info ] storage_init: using cdb storage driver
Jul 16 21:00:31 [info ] server_set_name: set servername to "jiehuh"
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "The Void" shortname="The Void" clienttag=(none) country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Starcraft-1" shortname="Starcraft" clienttag="STAR" country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Brood War-1" shortname="Brood War" clienttag="SEXP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Starcraft Shareware-1" shortname="Starcraft Shareware" clienttag="SSHR" country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Diablo Retail-1" shortname="Diablo Retail" clienttag="DRTL" country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "War2BNE-1" shortname="War2BNE" clienttag="W2BN" country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Diablo II-1" shortname="Diablo II" clienttag="D2DV" country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Diablo IILOD-1" shortname="Diablo IILOD" clienttag="D2XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Warcraft 3" shortname="W3" clienttag="WAR3" country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Human Castle" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Orc Stronghold" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Undead Necropolis" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Night Elf Tree of Life" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Dragon Roost" shortname="W3" clienttag="W3XP" country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Chat" shortname="Chat" clienttag="CHAT" country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:31 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Backstage" shortname="Backstage" clienttag=(none) country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] channel_create: creating new channel "Moderated Support" shortname="Support" clienttag=(none) country=(none) realm=(none)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] channel_create: channel created successfully
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="WAR3"
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="WAR3"
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000004 filename="ad000004.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="WAR3"
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000004 filename="ad000004.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="WAR3"
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000666 filename="ad000666.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.world-of-amadeus.de" next_id=0x00000000 client="WAR3"
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000666 filename="ad000666.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.world-of-amadeus.de" next_id=0x00000000 client="WAR3"
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="W3XP"
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="W3XP"
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000004 filename="ad000004.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="W3XP"
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000004 filename="ad000004.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client="W3XP"
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000666 filename="ad000666.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.world-of-amadeus.de" next_id=0x00000000 client="W3XP"
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000666 filename="ad000666.mng" extensiontag=0x676e6d2e delay=30 link="http://www.world-of-amadeus.de" next_id=0x00000000 client="W3XP"
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.smk" extensiontag=0x6b6d732e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client=""
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000001 filename="ad000001.smk" extensiontag=0x6b6d732e delay=30 link="http://www.pvpgn.org" next_id=0x00000000 client=""
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000004 filename="ad000004.smk" extensiontag=0x6b6d732e delay=30 link="http://www.world-of-amadeus.de" next_id=0x00000000 client=""
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] adbanner_create: created ad id=0x00000004 filename="ad000004.smk" extensiontag=0x6b6d732e delay=30 link="http://www.world-of-amadeus.de" next_id=0x00000000 client=""
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] output_init: initializing output file
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] account_load: <<<< ENTER !
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] accountlist_load_default: loaded default account template
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] accountlist_create: started creating accountlist
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] p_opendir: successfully opened dir: var/userscdb
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] accountlist_create: loaded 0 user accounts in 0 seconds
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 1, startxp: 0 neededxp: 0 lossfactor: 10 mingames: 0)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 2, startxp: 100 neededxp: 100 lossfactor: 10 mingames: 0)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 3, startxp: 200 neededxp: 200 lossfactor: 10 mingames: 0)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 4, startxp: 400 neededxp: 200 lossfactor: 25 mingames: 0)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 5, startxp: 600 neededxp: 300 lossfactor: 25 mingames: 0)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 6, startxp: 900 neededxp: 300 lossfactor: 43 mingames: 0)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 7, startxp: 1200 neededxp: 400 lossfactor: 43 mingames: 0)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 8, startxp: 1600 neededxp: 400 lossfactor: 67 mingames: 0)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 9, startxp: 2000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 67 mingames: 0)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 10, startxp: 2500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 0)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 11, startxp: 3000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 12, startxp: 3500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 13, startxp: 4000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 14, startxp: 4500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 15, startxp: 5000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 16, startxp: 5500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 17, startxp: 6000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 18, startxp: 6500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 19, startxp: 7000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 20, startxp: 7500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 21, startxp: 8000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 1)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 22, startxp: 8500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 23, startxp: 9000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 24, startxp: 9500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 25, startxp: 10000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 26, startxp: 10500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 27, startxp: 11000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 28, startxp: 11500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 29, startxp: 12000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 30, startxp: 12500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 2)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 31, startxp: 13000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 32, startxp: 13500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 33, startxp: 14000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 34, startxp: 14500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 35, startxp: 15000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 36, startxp: 15500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 37, startxp: 16000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 38, startxp: 16500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 39, startxp: 17000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 40, startxp: 17500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 3)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 41, startxp: 18000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 42, startxp: 18500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 43, startxp: 19000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 44, startxp: 19500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 45, startxp: 20000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 46, startxp: 20500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 47, startxp: 21000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 48, startxp: 21500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 49, startxp: 22000 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: inserting level XP info (level: 50, startxp: 22500 neededxp: 500 lossfactor: 100 mingames: 4)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 0
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 1
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 2
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 3
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 4
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 5
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladder_createxptable: parsed xpcalc leveldiff : 6
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] ladder_createxptable: set war3 xpcalc maxleveldiff to 6
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] ladders_init: initializing war3 ladders
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/WAR3_SOLO_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/WAR3_TEAM_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/WAR3_FFA_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/WAR3_AT_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W3XP_SOLO_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W3XP_TEAM_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W3XP_FFA_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W3XP_AT_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/STAR_AR_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/STAR_AW_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/STAR_AG_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/STAR_CR_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/STAR_CW_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/STAR_CG_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/SEXP_AR_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/SEXP_AW_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/SEXP_AG_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/SEXP_CR_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/SEXP_CW_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/SEXP_CG_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_CR_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_CW_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_CG_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_CRI_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_CWI_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_CGI_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_AR_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_AW_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_AG_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_ARI_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_AWI_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] binary_ladder_load: successfully loaded var\ladders/W2BN_AGI_LADDER
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] ladders_load_accounts_to_ladderlists: everything went smooth... taking shortcut
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] ladder_update_all_accounts: updating ranking for all accounts
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] ladder_update_all_accounts: finished updating ranking for all accounts
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] realm_create: created realm "1234"
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] tracker_set_servers: tracking packets will be sent to
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] aliasfile_load: done loading aliases
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] w3trans_load: w3trans file loaded
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\(8)Battleground.w3m" for WAR3
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\(8)PlainsOfSnow.w3m" for WAR3
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\(8)BloodvenomFalls.w3m" for WAR3
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\(8)GardenOfWar.w3m" for WAR3
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\FrozenThrone\(8)Mur'gulOasis.w3x" for W3XP
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\FrozenThrone\(8)PlainsOfSnow.w3x" for W3XP
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\FrozenThrone\(8)RockQuarry.w3x" for W3XP
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] tournament_init: added tournament map "Maps\FrozenThrone\(8)Sanctuary.w3x" for W3XP
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] anongame_infos_load: got langID: []
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] anongame_infos_load: got langID: [deDE]
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] anongame_infos_load: got langID: [zhCN]
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] p_opendir: successfully opened dir: var/clanscdb
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] cdb_load_clans: start reading clans
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] cdb_load_clans: finished reading clans
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] topiclist_load: start reading topic file
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] topiclist_load: channel: Chat topic: "This is the public chat channel. Feel free to chat..."
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] topiclist_load: channel: Moderated Support topic: "Support is provided in this channel..."
Jul 16 21:00:32 [trace] topiclist_load: finished reading topic file
Jul 16 21:00:32 [debug] get_socket_limit: limit: 4032
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] fdw_select_init: fdwatch select() based layer initialized (max 4032 sockets)
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] server_process: listening for bnet connections on TCP
Jul 16 21:00:32 [info ] server_process: listening for w3route connections on TCP
Jul 16 21:01:50 [debug] ipban_check: lastcheck: 0, now: 1089997310, now-lc: 1089997310.
Jul 16 21:01:50 [debug] ipban_check: checking
Jul 16 21:01:50 [info ] sd_accept: [504] accepted connection from on
Jul 16 21:01:50 [info ] conn_create: [504][408] sessionkey=0x40f821f7 sessionnum=0x00000000
Jul 16 21:01:50 [debug] sd_accept: [504] client connected to a bnet listening address
Jul 16 21:01:50 [info ] handle_init_packet: [504] client initiated bnet or auth connection
Jul 16 21:01:50 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [504] got first packet byte ff
Jul 16 21:01:50 [debug] conn_set_class: added latency check timer
Jul 16 21:01:50 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [504] defered connection class is bnet
Jul 16 21:01:50 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [504] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet tzbias=0xffffff10(-240) lcid=1049 langid=1049 arch=49583836 client=44325850 versionid=000a gamelang=656e5553
Jul 16 21:01:50 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [504] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet from "Russia" "RUS"
Jul 16 21:01:50 [info ] conn_set_archtag: [504] setting client arch to "IX86"
Jul 16 21:01:50 [info ] conn_set_clienttag: [504] setting client type to "D2XP"
Jul 16 21:01:50 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [504] selecting version check
Jul 16 21:01:50 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=W3XP
Jul 16 21:01:50 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=WAR3
Jul 16 21:01:50 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=D2XP
Jul 16 21:01:50 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [504] selected "IX86ver1.mpq" "A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B"
Jul 16 21:01:50 [info ] _client_authreq109: [504] CLIENT_AUTHREQ_109 ticks=0x41f962e7, verstr= exeinfo="Game_crk.exe 07/12/04 04:56:48 376832" versionid=0x0000000a gameversion=0x01000900 checksum=0xdc1efe2f
Jul 16 21:01:50 [info ] versioncheck_validate: no match in list, setting to: D2XP
Jul 16 21:01:50 [info ] _client_authreq109: [504] unable to test client, allowing anyway
Jul 16 21:01:50 [info ] _client_authreq109: [504] client matches versiontag "D2XP"
Jul 16 21:01:50 [info ] _client_authreq109: [504] no upgrade for D2XP is available
Jul 16 21:01:50 [info ] _client_fileinforeq: [504] TOS requested: "bnserver-D2DV.ini" - type = 0x80000004
Jul 16 21:01:56 [debug] ipban_check: lastcheck: 1089997310, now: 1089997316, now-lc: 6.
Jul 16 21:01:56 [debug] ipban_check: checking
Jul 16 21:01:56 [info ] sd_accept: [512] accepted connection from on
Jul 16 21:01:56 [info ] conn_create: [512][408] sessionkey=0x40f8395a sessionnum=0x00000001
Jul 16 21:01:56 [debug] sd_accept: [512] client connected to a bnet listening address
Jul 16 21:01:56 [info ] handle_init_packet: [512] client initiated file download connection
Jul 16 21:01:56 [info ] file_send: [512] sending file "tos-unicode_USA.txt" of length 1416
Jul 16 21:01:56 [debug] net_recv_packet: [512] remote host closed connection
Jul 16 21:01:56 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [512] read FAILED (closing connection)
Jul 16 21:01:56 [info ] conn_destroy: [512] closed file connection
Jul 16 21:02:07 [info ] _client_createacctreq2: [504] new account requested for "Friend"
Jul 16 21:02:07 [info ] _client_createacctreq2: [504] account created
Jul 16 21:02:07 [debug] cdb_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\acct\passhash1" val="a3cb399ff50f55a2f6744f356086f4377a2676b6"
Jul 16 21:02:07 [debug] cdb_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\acct\userid" val="1"
Jul 16 21:02:07 [debug] cdb_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\acct\username" val="Friend"
Jul 16 21:02:07 [info ] _client_loginreq2: [504] "Friend" logged in (correct password)
Jul 16 21:02:20 [info ] _client_setemailreply: [504] init account "Friend" email to "gg@mail.ru"
Jul 16 21:02:21 [debug] net_recv_packet: [504] remote host closed connection
Jul 16 21:02:21 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [504] read FAILED (closing connection)
Jul 16 21:02:21 [info ] conn_destroy: [504] "Friend" logged out
Jul 16 21:02:21 [info ] conn_destroy: [504] closed bnet connection
Jul 16 21:02:32 [debug] ipban_check: lastcheck: 1089997310, now: 1089997352, now-lc: 42.
Jul 16 21:02:32 [debug] ipban_check: checking
Jul 16 21:02:32 [info ] sd_accept: [504] accepted connection from on
Jul 16 21:02:32 [info ] conn_create: [504][408] sessionkey=0x40f868e9 sessionnum=0x00000002
Jul 16 21:02:32 [debug] sd_accept: [504] client connected to a bnet listening address
Jul 16 21:02:32 [info ] handle_init_packet: [504] client initiated bnet or auth connection
Jul 16 21:02:32 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [504] got first packet byte ff
Jul 16 21:02:32 [debug] conn_set_class: added latency check timer
Jul 16 21:02:32 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [504] defered connection class is bnet
Jul 16 21:02:32 [debug] handle_udp_packet: [408] got UDPTEST packet from (myself?)
Jul 16 21:02:32 [debug] handle_udp_packet: [408] got UDPTEST packet from (myself?)
Jul 16 21:02:32 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [504] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet tzbias=0xffffff10(-240) lcid=1049 langid=1049 arch=49583836 client=44325850 versionid=000a gamelang=656e5553
Jul 16 21:02:32 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [504] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet from "Russia" "RUS"
Jul 16 21:02:32 [info ] conn_set_archtag: [504] setting client arch to "IX86"
Jul 16 21:02:32 [info ] conn_set_clienttag: [504] setting client type to "D2XP"
Jul 16 21:02:32 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [504] selecting version check
Jul 16 21:02:32 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=W3XP
Jul 16 21:02:32 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=WAR3
Jul 16 21:02:32 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=D2XP
Jul 16 21:02:32 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [504] selected "IX86ver1.mpq" "A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B"
Jul 16 21:02:32 [info ] _client_authreq109: [504] CLIENT_AUTHREQ_109 ticks=0x41861560, verstr= exeinfo="Game.exe 10/13/03 07:35:30 1198857" versionid=0x0000000a gameversion=0x01000a00 checksum=0x210126ec
Jul 16 21:02:32 [info ] versioncheck_validate: got a matching entry: D2XP_110
Jul 16 21:02:32 [info ] _client_authreq109: [504] client matches versiontag "D2XP_110"
Jul 16 21:02:32 [info ] _client_authreq109: [504] no upgrade for D2XP_110 is available
Jul 16 21:02:32 [info ] _client_fileinforeq: [504] TOS requested: "bnserver-D2DV.ini" - type = 0x80000004
Jul 16 21:02:36 [debug] ipban_check: lastcheck: 1089997352, now: 1089997356, now-lc: 4.
Jul 16 21:02:36 [debug] ipban_check: checking
Jul 16 21:02:36 [info ] sd_accept: [484] accepted connection from on
Jul 16 21:02:36 [info ] conn_create: [484][408] sessionkey=0x40f80eda sessionnum=0x00000003
Jul 16 21:02:36 [debug] sd_accept: [484] client connected to a bnet listening address
Jul 16 21:02:36 [info ] handle_init_packet: [484] client initiated file download connection
Jul 16 21:02:36 [info ] file_send: [484] sending file "tos-unicode_USA.txt" of length 1416
Jul 16 21:02:36 [debug] net_recv_packet: [484] remote host closed connection
Jul 16 21:02:36 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [484] read FAILED (closing connection)
Jul 16 21:02:36 [info ] conn_destroy: [484] closed file connection
Jul 16 21:02:51 [info ] _client_createacctreq2: [504] new account requested for "JIEHUH"
Jul 16 21:02:51 [info ] _client_createacctreq2: [504] account created
Jul 16 21:02:51 [debug] cdb_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\acct\passhash1" val="428891933fca67b26c5e8df2b1949b9df6758fab"
Jul 16 21:02:51 [debug] cdb_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\acct\userid" val="2"
Jul 16 21:02:51 [debug] cdb_write_attrs: saving attribute key="BNET\acct\username" val="JIEHUH"
Jul 16 21:02:51 [info ] _client_loginreq2: [504] "JIEHUH" logged in (correct password)
Jul 16 21:02:53 [info ] _client_setemailreply: [504] init account "JIEHUH" email to ""
Jul 16 21:02:53 [debug] net_recv_packet: [504] remote host closed connection
Jul 16 21:02:53 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [504] read FAILED (closing connection)
Jul 16 21:02:53 [info ] conn_destroy: [504] "JIEHUH" logged out
Jul 16 21:02:53 [info ] conn_destroy: [504] closed bnet connection

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователю
Пост #6 (Всего #5055); Дата 16.07.2004 - 21:13  Помогите,пожалуйста,с сервером.., тема взята с http://www.dronov.net/forum
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Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 4
Пользователь №: 89
Регистрация: 13.07.2004
Репутация: нет

ЛОГ D2 closed

Jul 16 21:01:09 d2gs_create: added game server (id: 1) to list
Jul 16 21:01:09 d2cs_d2ladder_readladder: ladder file loaded successfully (28 types 35 maxtype)
Jul 16 21:01:09 d2cs_d2ladder_init: ladder data initialized
Jul 16 21:01:09 d2gstrans_load: d2gstrans file loaded
Jul 16 21:01:09 d2cs: version 3.0 is running
Jul 16 21:01:09 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:01:09 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:01:09 d2cs_conn_create: created session=1 socket=392 (1 current connections)
Jul 16 21:01:09 server_listen: listening for d2cs connections on TCP
Jul 16 21:01:09 d2cs_server_process: network initialized
Jul 16 21:01:09 d2cs_server_process: entering server loop
Jul 16 21:01:10 d2dbs: version 3.0 is running
Jul 16 21:01:10 dbs_server_main: establishing the listener...
Jul 16 21:01:10 d2dbs_d2ladder_checksum_check: ladder file check pass (checksum=0xDB72C052)
Jul 16 21:01:10 d2dbs_d2ladder_checksum_check: ladder file check pass (checksum=0xDB72C052)
Jul 16 21:01:10 d2dbs_d2ladder_saveladder: backup ladder file
Jul 16 21:01:10 dbs_server_main: waiting for connections...
Jul 16 21:01:10 d2dbs_d2ladder_checksum_check: ladder file check pass (checksum=0xDB72C052)
Jul 16 21:01:10 d2dbs_d2ladder_saveladder: backup ladder file
Jul 16 21:01:10 d2cs_d2ladder_readladder: ladder file loaded successfully (28 types 35 maxtype)
Jul 16 21:01:21 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:01:21 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 1 (0 left)
Jul 16 21:01:32 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:01:32 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:01:32 d2cs_conn_create: created session=2 socket=392 (1 current connections)
Jul 16 21:01:43 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:01:43 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 2 (0 left)
Jul 16 21:01:54 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:01:54 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:01:54 d2cs_conn_create: created session=3 socket=392 (1 current connections)
Jul 16 21:01:54 dbs_server_loop: accepted connection from , socket 440 .
Jul 16 21:01:54 server_accept: accept connection from
Jul 16 21:01:54 d2cs_conn_create: created session=4 socket=448 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:01:54 on_d2gs_initconn: [448] client initiated d2gs connection
Jul 16 21:01:54 d2cs_handle_d2gs_init: sent init packet to d2gs 1 (sessionnum=4)
Jul 16 21:01:54 setsockopt_keepalive: set KEEPALIVE option for socket 440
Jul 16 21:01:54 dbs_verify_ipaddr: Jul 16 21:01:54 on_d2gs_authreply: d2gs authedip address is valid

Jul 16 21:01:54 dbs_packet_handle: Jul 16 21:01:54 d2gs_active: set connection type for gs server (id: 1) actived (1 total)1(1) on socket 440

Jul 16 21:01:55 on_d2gs_setgsinfo: change game server max game from 0 to 1
Jul 16 21:02:05 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:02:05 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 3 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:02:16 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:02:16 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:02:16 d2cs_conn_create: created session=5 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:02:27 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:02:27 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 5 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:02:38 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:02:38 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:02:38 d2cs_conn_create: created session=6 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:02:49 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:02:49 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 6 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:03:00 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:03:00 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:03:00 d2cs_conn_create: created session=7 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:03:11 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:03:11 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 7 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:03:22 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:03:22 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:03:22 d2cs_conn_create: created session=8 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:03:33 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:03:33 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 8 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:03:44 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:03:44 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:03:44 d2cs_conn_create: created session=9 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:03:55 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:03:55 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 9 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:04:06 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:04:06 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:04:06 d2cs_conn_create: created session=10 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:04:17 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:04:17 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 10 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:04:28 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:04:28 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:04:28 d2cs_conn_create: created session=11 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:04:39 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:04:39 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 11 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:04:50 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:04:50 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:04:50 d2cs_conn_create: created session=12 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:05:01 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:05:01 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 12 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:05:12 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:05:12 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:05:12 d2cs_conn_create: created session=13 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:05:23 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:05:23 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 13 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:05:34 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:05:34 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:05:34 d2cs_conn_create: created session=14 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:05:45 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:05:45 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 14 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:05:56 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:05:56 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:05:56 d2cs_conn_create: created session=15 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:06:07 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:06:07 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 15 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:06:18 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:06:18 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:06:18 d2cs_conn_create: created session=16 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:06:29 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:06:29 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 16 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:06:40 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:06:40 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:06:40 d2cs_conn_create: created session=17 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:06:51 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:06:51 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 17 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:07:02 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:07:02 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:07:02 d2cs_conn_create: created session=18 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:07:13 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:07:13 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 18 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:07:24 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:07:24 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:07:24 d2cs_conn_create: created session=19 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:07:35 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:07:35 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 19 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:07:46 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:07:46 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:07:46 d2cs_conn_create: created session=20 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:07:57 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:07:57 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 20 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:08:08 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:08:08 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:08:08 d2cs_conn_create: created session=21 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:08:19 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:08:19 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 21 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:08:30 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:08:30 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:08:30 d2cs_conn_create: created session=22 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:08:41 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:08:41 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 22 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:08:52 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:08:52 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:08:52 d2cs_conn_create: created session=23 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:09:03 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:09:03 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 23 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:09:15 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:09:15 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:09:15 d2cs_conn_create: created session=24 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:09:26 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:09:26 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 24 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:09:37 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:09:37 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:09:37 d2cs_conn_create: created session=25 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:09:48 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:09:48 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 25 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:09:59 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:09:59 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:09:59 d2cs_conn_create: created session=26 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:10:10 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:10:10 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 26 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:10:21 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:10:21 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:10:21 d2cs_conn_create: created session=27 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:10:32 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:10:32 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 27 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:10:43 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:10:43 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:10:43 d2cs_conn_create: created session=28 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:10:54 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:10:54 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 28 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:11:05 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:11:05 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:11:05 d2cs_conn_create: created session=29 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:11:16 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:11:16 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 29 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:11:27 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:11:27 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:11:27 d2cs_conn_create: created session=30 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:11:39 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:11:39 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 30 (1 left)
Jul 16 21:11:50 s2s_create: try make s2s connection to
Jul 16 21:11:50 s2s_create: connection to s2s server is in progress
Jul 16 21:11:50 d2cs_conn_create: created session=31 socket=392 (2 current connections)
Jul 16 21:12:01 bnetd_check: connection to bnetd s2s timeout
Jul 16 21:12:01 d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 31 (1 left)

PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователю
Пост #7 (Всего #160529); Дата 22.05.2008 - 16:23  Помогите,пожалуйста,с сервером.., тема взята с http://www.dronov.net/forum
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Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 1
Пользователь №: 1826
Регистрация: 22.05.2008
Репутация: 2

привет ребята ...у меня вопрос ... значит сервак настроил и запустил .. всё вродеб ок ...
1- запустил сервер
2- подконектился клиентом
зарегился далее жму крейт гейм ввожу имя игры без паса и жму крейт ....
вопрос - как зайти в эту же игру ?
с клиентской машины жму на джоин в списке игр нет ..
вопрос - можно ли в одной игре рубится больше чем 8-ми игрокам ?
этот вопрос возхник исходя из того что я видел при создании игры
и последнее я грузанул комп на котором установлен сервак после этого возникла ошибка

d2cs_conn_destroy: [392] closed connection 31 (1 left)

а в игре пишет что нет рилма ......
большая просьба .. помогите ...
PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователю
Пост #8 (Всего #161577); Дата 17.06.2008 - 13:22  Помогите,пожалуйста,с сервером.., тема взята с http://www.dronov.net/forum
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Пользователь
Сообщений: 2373
Пользователь №: 16
Регистрация: 18.06.2004
Репутация: 42

насчет твоего вопроса не совсем понял, т.к. уже сто лет в д2 не играл, да и не занимался настройкой сервера.

собственно сюда мало кто заходит - давно уже никто не играет.
PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователюICQ
Пост #9 (Всего #161580); Дата 17.06.2008 - 13:38  Помогите,пожалуйста,с сервером.., тема взята с http://www.dronov.net/forum
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Добрый Столяр-краснодеревщик

Группа: Shadowsong
Сообщений: 555
Пользователь №: 1413
Регистрация: 2.11.2006
Репутация: 12

автору вопроса ответ уже не нужен
его больше нет в живых...

"У меня довольно паршивое настроение. И так уже лет 40".
PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователю
Пост #10 (Всего #161584); Дата 17.06.2008 - 14:08  Помогите,пожалуйста,с сервером.., тема взята с http://www.dronov.net/forum
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Пользователь
Сообщений: 2373
Пользователь №: 16
Регистрация: 18.06.2004
Репутация: 42

Я не знал об этом.
Искренне соболезную. (((
PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователюICQ
Пост #11 (Всего #161590); Дата 17.06.2008 - 14:36  Помогите,пожалуйста,с сервером.., тема взята с http://www.dronov.net/forum
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Добрый Ликвидатор Советов

Группа: Гильдия
Сообщений: 7675
Пользователь №: 6
Регистрация: 18.06.2004
Репутация: 115

автору вопроса ответ уже не нужен
его больше нет в живых...


If you wanna shoot - shoot, don't talk. © The Ugly
Once I was hunted. Now, I AM THE HUNTER!
PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователюСайт пользователяICQ
Пост #12 (Всего #161610); Дата 17.06.2008 - 16:05  Помогите,пожалуйста,с сервером.., тема взята с http://www.dronov.net/forum
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Добрый Столяр-краснодеревщик

Группа: Shadowsong
Сообщений: 555
Пользователь №: 1413
Регистрация: 2.11.2006
Репутация: 12

"У меня довольно паршивое настроение. И так уже лет 40".
PMПисьмо на e-mail пользователю
Пост #13 (Всего #168746); Дата 14.10.2008 - 20:07  Помогите,пожалуйста,с сервером.., тема взята с http://www.dronov.net/forum
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Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 1
Пользователь №: 1908
Регистрация: 14.10.2008
Репутация: нет

Прочитал,всё о чём вы говорили и обсуждали...только вот не понял...вы в итоге серв-то подняли ? если да,то какой ип ?
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